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Class 4: Power Bi Desktop Copy

In this class, we will be Learning about PowerBI desktop. You will be learning the interface of this tool.

Process: Click on the window icon and search for PowerBI.On the Top, you will find Ribbon. There are many tabs about which you will learn in detail. At the bottom of the page, you will find pages In PowerBI you will have pages the same as sheets in excel. In data science, the first and foremost important thing is to understand/analyze the data.

To upload the raw data in power bi you need to click on the Home tab > get data > click on connect > load the data.  Whenever you upload data in power bi it compresses the data. 

On the left side of the page, you can see 3 options: Report View, Data, and Model.

Conclusion: So in the class, you learned about the PowerBI interface and how to create charts

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